The inspiration for this project is the mix between Basque tradition and modernity, as young people we have managed to create a new aesthetic without losing our origin.
As a base I have created more traditional prints, and positioned them in more modern and urban garments. In addition, I have used special "symbols" for us; since we were little there was only one television channel with cartoons in Basque, and after all, we have all grow up on the same shows such us Doraemon or Sin Chan, which is the main character in this final design.

Bat, bi, hiru, lau!
Shinnosuke da mutiko
Alai-alaia bihurri
Eta azkarra
Ez da geldirik egoten
Ez zait uzten bakean.

Maitasun kontuetan
Argia naiz benetan
Neska gazte guztiak
Nik ditut atseginak.
Zatoz txiki, zatoz nirekin,
Ez dut piperra atsegin.
Begira zer trompa, elefante trompa
Mutiko bihurria, shin-chan.